Real-time Updates

ConfigBee enables you to deliver updates to your web and mobile applications in real-time. Ensure your users always experience the latest features and configurations without delays. This capability is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and providing a seamless user experience.


  • Immediate Availability: Push updates instantly across all platforms, providing a seamless user experience. Users benefit from the latest features and improvements without waiting for scheduled releases.
  • Consistency: Maintain a uniform experience for all users with synchronized updates. This ensures that all users have access to the same features and settings simultaneously.
  • Efficiency: Reduce the time and effort needed to deploy new features and configurations. Real-time updates streamline the development process, allowing for quicker iterations and responsiveness to user feedback.

Use Cases

  • Deploy Hotfixes Without Waiting for a Full Release Cycle: Quickly address and resolve critical issues without the need for a full deployment process.
  • Implement Configuration Changes During Peak Usage Times: Make necessary adjustments without disrupting the user experience, ensuring optimal performance and satisfaction.
  • Ensure All Users Have the Latest Features and Settings Simultaneously: Roll out updates uniformly, providing a consistent and up-to-date experience for all users.

How It Works

ConfigBee’s real-time updates feature is designed for both ease of use and powerful functionality:

  • Instantaneous Deployment: Deliver updates and configurations across all platforms instantly, ensuring your application is always up-to-date.
  • Centralized Management: Use the ConfigBee dashboard to manage and monitor updates in real-time. This centralized control simplifies the update process and ensures accuracy.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate real-time updates into your existing workflow with ConfigBee’s comprehensive SDKs, supporting various frameworks.

Get Started

Ready to enhance your application’s user experience with real-time updates? Sign up for ConfigBee today and ensure your users always have the latest features and configurations.